Vocations Sunday: Has the Priesthood a Future?
It’s Vocations Sunday again. Looking for vocations to the priesthood has not got any easier, and yet the Church needs good priests. No doubt God, whose Church it is, will continue to call them. With all the scandals, it’s harder to be a priest in this context, much more challenging. But people still want to hear the message of hope that good preachers bring. People still need to see God’s care take human form in caring pastors. When St. Francis of Assisi got a call to ministry, it came in strange language. God said to Francis: ‘Go out and build up my Church, for it is nearly falling down’. Francis first thought that God wanted him to repair a building. But God had something more radical in mind. The Church today needs courageous people for this same reforming task. If this is what you want, please pray for your Church this Vocations Sunday.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
Our Parish is blessed to have a branch of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society. It is one of the longest established lay organisations in the Irish Church. The main purpose of the Society is to promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life. There was never a greater need than now for us to play our part. In our Parish last year the members collected €7,039 towards the education of students for the priesthood at home and abroad.
The sympathy of the Parish community is extended to Eoin Duggan on the death of his father, Dan Erin Tec. unexpectedly last Sunday. May he rest in peace.
Trócaire Lenten Appeal
€335 came in this week.
The Total to date: €5,594
Church Restoration Fund
Lotto Draw April 15
€35 CASH
C. Ahern, H. Hanly, M. O’Donovan, D. Healy
Last week’s net ‘take’ €3,815
Last week’s Collection €1,204
Anonymous Donation €35
The Change is still coming and accepted!!
There is still time to donate your coins to the Church Restoration Fund. Collection Box at the rear of the Church.. Last week €98 came in. Many thanks.
You can sponsor:
* a seat with memorial plate: €400
* a slab for front of Church paving: €25
* Votive Light Stands for the new statues of St. Joseph and St. Anthony for the Church.
Coming Fund Raising Events
Sponsored Walk: Sunday 28th April.
Leaving Crosshaven 2.30 pm along the safe riverside walk. Plenty of parking space at the Crosshaven end. Sponsorship cards are available at back of Church.
Race Night:
Nemo Rangers Hall, 25th May, 9 pm. Horses for the 10 races will be on sale (€15) after Mass today. We would be happy to hear of any ideas for Fund Raising